.45 AC in Augusta WV Smith Drive with free junk included
There is a usable shed and a lot of junk. The trailer is not viable any more.
I don't normally do finance on properties of this price but if you're interested and will pay the $35 per month servicing fee we can work something out.
With the size of the lot it's doubtful that Hampshire County would allow a septic to be put on here. You're supposed to allow 10,000 sq feet for the leach field and another 10,000 sq feet in reserve and that's pretty much half an acre already...
There are bath facilities available through the subdivision. I think the subdivision was originally formed with the idea of campers dispersed throughout it. They have a water system but it has reached its' capacity and they can't let anyone else hook in to it.
Electricity had been hooked to the trailer at one point and the pole is still in place.
Questions? I bet! Let me know...